Thyroid Ultrasound at Accent Endocrinology
The average healthy thyroid gland is only the size (and shape) of two thumbs held together, but for being so small, it plays a significant role in your overall health and wellbeing.
Known by its characteristic butterfly shape, the thyroid is located at the lower-front of the neck. Its main job is to secrete thyroid hormone which helps the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles and other organs working as they should.
- Check for lumps (nodules) in the thyroid gland
- Identify fluid-filled nodules, known as cysts
- Look for enlarged/inflamed thyroid
- Guide the placement of the needle during a biopsy
How Thyroid Ultrasound Works
A thyroid ultrasound is a safe and painless key tool for evaluating your thyroid and surrounding structures. The ultrasound requires the patient to lie down with their neck extended. Gel is applied the skin to allow high-frequency sound waves to pass through the skin. A wand-like device, called a transducer, is moved over the neck region to obtain a detailed real-time picture of the thyroid – no radiation or side effects. This very accurate test can easily determine if a nodule is solid or fluid filled, and it can help determine the precise size of the nodule. Ultrasound can help identify nodules that are suspicious for cancer. Ultrasound can identify nodules that are too small to feel during a physical examination and can be use to accurately guide a needle directly into a nodule when a nodule is suspicious and requires more in-depth evaluation. The ultrasound can be used to keep an eye on thyroid nodules that do not require surgery to determine if they are growing or shrinking over time.